Who’s who?

A cheat sheet so you’re less socially awkward


The Bride

The Bride

Laura McDonnell

Drinker of gin

The Groom

The Groom

Cornel Dixon

Hipster lumberjack

Dixon Family

The Mother

The Mother

Sofi Dixon

The dog whisper

The Granny

The Granny

Edith Dixon

Simply the best

The Father

The Father

Geoff Dixon


The Sister

The Sister

Hannah Dixon

The smarter, prettier and nicer sibling


The McDonnell Family

The Mother

The Mother

Susan Burns

The one who can’t say no

The Father

The Father

Kevin McDonnell

The joker

The Sister

The Sister

Rebecca McDonnell

The new baby momma and former clothes thief

The nephew

The nephew

Theo Livesey

The new kid on the block